✘ Searingembers ✘

Kaden | male | 18

Anthro Artist & Designer

Future dog trainer



These are my terms of service. You must read and listen to these if you wish to comission me. Thank you for reading <3

  • I can do refunds if needed but once the drawing is finished, I will not give you a refund. I can make any non-drastic changes needed to the drawing if it doesn't meet your preferences.

  • I will not change the whole theme of the commission once it is lined. You will get what you told me you wanted after that point. I will not make any pose changes, background changes(unless it is a picture), character changes, ect.

  • I will not take commissions from people 13 and under.

  • It shouldn't take me a long to finish your commission, but It may take me from 2 days to 2 weeks depending on my situation. I have a job and classes that I need to do as well. I will always let you know that I have not forgotten about you and Will provide updates

  • Throughout your commission, I will send you WIP updates. Please let me know if you would like anything changed or fixed and do not wait last second to change something drastic(unless it is my fault).

  • I do take NSFW commissions but you must send me proof of age via ID (unless I know you personally and ur 18+)

  • When commissioning me for a “Pose” drawing piece, a drawing that follows a specific complex pose or scene, You must provide a reference photo or a detailed description. I've had situations where people have gotten frustrated with me for not understanding what they wanted. This is the easiest way to avoid this problem. If you cannot find one, or struggle with describing it, please converse with me about it and we will be able to figure it out.

  • Following the pose drawing service, only complex poses or scenes fall under this category. Examples of what these look like can be seen on my “Searingembers Commission Info” post on Instagram. I will let you know if I consider it a “pose” or a standard commission. If you do not agree, please let me know and we can find a resolution

  • I do not take commissions from blacklisted people or people associated with blacklisted people.

  • I have the right to refuse service to anyone.


These people are not allowed to contact me, commission me, or purchase any of my designs from me or anyone else. Selling one of my ocs to someone who is blacklisted may result in a blacklist.

  • FRANKENMAWZ/CYBIN.VIBIN/GANJADAWG777: Personal reasons, guilt trippy, scamming, pedo tendencies, abuse, ect. (more about this in my “Evidence against Cybin.vibin” )

  • BADGERANDBONGS: Personal reasons, starts fake rumors and lies, lives for drama, overall shitty, affiliated with Cybin.Vibin

  • COWBOYWASTELANDER/WULFCOWBOY: Scamming behavior, Holds money from others "out of spite", Guilt trippy/manipulative about said money, immature about situations, said some weird stuff about zoophiles: has drawn feral genitals and admitted it. affiliated with Cybin.vibin

  • DEVIL.MENACE: Affiliated with Cybin.Vibin, pedo apologist, rude behavior and weird outlooks on social situations

  • LUVHBITES: Tends to be very guilt trippy and manipulative and uses disorders as an excuse for it, Talks publicly about private drama and drags people into it, Trauma dumps with no warning about severe triggering things, Has lied and said they thought I was 18 when I was in fact 16 at the time when they tried to send me adult content(evidence concludes that they should have known as I’ve told them my age before this) Done similar things to others.

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